The Penny LoungeJul 12, 2021The Retired Student LoanersYes, as shocking as it may seem, you’ve read that correctly. It’s becoming too common to bring student loan into your retirement stage.
The Penny LoungeJul 7, 2019Ballin' on a Budget One phase I've heard way too many times is"traveling is expensive". I won't lie, travel CAN be expensive but it does not have to be....
The Penny LoungeMay 30, 2019Keep your budget in checkHow often do you reconcile your budget? Most people review monthly however, it’s essential to also review your budget during the month. Glan
The Penny LoungeMay 22, 2019Automatic Savings: Set it and let it growThey say out of sight, out of mind. And that’s exactly how you should view your savings. Most believe they can save what’s left after their
The Penny LoungeMay 14, 2019Rich Vs. WealthyUnderstanding the difference between rich and wealthy is an essential aspect to our perspective on money!